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11/07/2021 Have Faith! ~Rev. Benjamin Chung

Don’t give up! Keep trying! What am I talking about? A pastor friend of mine just shared with me that his grandmother was in the hospital last Friday. Normally, few are allowed into the hospital for visits. But through the efforts of the chaplain at the hospital my friend was let in. Moreover, this was in the nick of time, as she passed away Saturday evening. His grandmother’s doctors had stated that she did not have much time to live. Thankfully, the chaplain had been sharing the gospel with the grandmother. Then, when my pastor friend was allowed in and given the opportunity to further share the gospel with her, guess what? even in her weak state, when asked if she wanted to follow Jesus, she said, “Yes!” “What?” my friend thought, surprised. My friend’s grandmother accepted the Lord Jesus as her Savior! Hallelujah! This is definitely a time to rejoice in the work of the Holy

Spirit! Please celebrate with me right now! Then, in our mutual social media app chat, a friend of ours included this wonderful and true statement of our Lord Jesus, “I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine

righteous persons who need no repentance” (Luke 15:7 ESV). Like a sheep that has gone astray, the shepherd rejoices in the finding of his lost sheep.

Brothers and sisters, we know the drill. We know that our time on Earth is temporary as is the time for everyone else. Let the glories of the Lord be on the tips of our tongues. Acknowledge his greatness and goodness! In fact, there might be some who did go to church and have backslidden. Perhaps to the point where one wonders if they were even believers in the first place. Pray for them. Seek them out and connect with them to see how they’re doing and what they’ve been up to during the entire pandemic and lock down. When we show that we care out of genuine love, people will respond. Paul even says, “Love one another with brotherly affection” (Romans 12:10).

Lastly, if you have not been too active in your faith, know that it is not too late! Continue to join us in worship services, attending our small/community groups and fellowships. Have faith in the Jesus, the Savior of the world, who has kept you even to this day.

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