by Rev. Benjamin Chung
I often notice many people drive around with a deflated/flat tire. Now, I don't go driving around to be a Good Samaritan, but I have stopped for many motorists that have needed help. With respect to deflated tires, many times the drivers are unaware their tire is deflated, often to a serious level. If the deflation is noticeable to the naked eye, that means the deflated tire could be severely damaged from under-
inflation and continued usage. When I come across such cars I will try to flag the driver down by honking and flash my headlights. But many times they just drive on their merry way, unaware that I am even trying to get their attention. Surprisingly, the last time I saw a woman driving with a flat tire, I did get her attention. (All the more surprising because she had a little dog sitting on her lap. Distraction, perhaps?) What's more surprising is how when I told her of her deflated tire, she stated that she saw the light but didn't think it was that serious. Yes, it is serious.
Seeing this happen so often, it reminds me of how the lost of this world are doing the same thing. They believe they are doing fine and continue driving merrily along in life. Even though there are reminders and warning signs on their car’s instrument cluster, they choose to ignore the clear warning signs. “It’s not that bad,” they think. “I’ll take care of it later,” they say.
As believers, this is our responsibility—to tell people of Jesus’s love and the path that leads to destruction if they choose not to receive Jesus as Lord of their lives. Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:13-4, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it”.
Praise the Lord that you are seeking to follow Him. Continue to do so and do not relax for a moment because there are many lights on our instrument panel. And pray for those who are not aware of their dire straits. Even though there are many other motorists on the road, God may have put you there to warn them or even stop to assist them. “Behold, upon the mountain, the feet of him who brings good news” (Nahum 1:15a). May we encourage one another to proclaim the good news of Jesus far and wide!
讚美主! 你在跟隨著祂。繼續這樣做吧,不要放鬆啊,因為人生的警示板上有許多燈是可以亮起來的。也要為那些不知道自己巳經陷入險境的人祈禱。雖然生命路上還有很多其他的駕駛者,上帝可能就是把你帶到一些人面前作出警告,並要你停下來幫助他們。那鴻書1:15說「看哪,有報好信傳平安之人的腳登山」讓我們彼此鼓勵,一同傳揚耶穌的福音到遠方!