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8/25/2019: First! (首先!)


by Rev. Benjamin Chung

It is interesting how the human brain works, or rather, doesn’t work. Our memory can play tricks on us or we don’t see what is really happening at the moment. We can even believe something is true, even when we have been explained how it is completely false. What happens in our brains is, when we learn of some sort of news or information, our brain locks in this information. But, if new and correct information comes in which corrects the original (and incorrect) information it now takes more effort to correct the incorrect information. This is why conspiracy theories (the Lunar Landing or Big Foot) can also continue to propagate long after they have been debunked with overwhelming evidence. The tricked person’s brain still believes the lie because the lie was introduced into the person’s brain first. This means that what we put into our brains FIRST is of vital importance. We need to be careful of what goes in that is new.

Our world today is trying to do this with news. With so many sources of news, it is often difficult to discern what is “fake news” because news sources can be biased and skew the facts. Basically, they are lying. But even if the lies are exposed, the recipient of the news will still hold onto the lies, believing they are true. And by being the first to relay this information, the lies become embedded in our brains. With respect to God the Father, I have heard multiple people recently state and believe that God is a woman. One of these times I have then seen a Christian try to explain how there is no evidence of this in the Bible or elsewhere. The response was the person still held onto this false “truth”.

The truth is, God is a Father, not a mother, stated even by the Son, Jesus himself. When on the cross, Jesus cried out, “Abba, Father” (Mark 14:36 NIV). Paul reaffirms God as our Abba, our daddy, in Romans 8:15 and Galatians 4:6. Then in 2 Corinthians 6:18, God the Father says, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty”. The truth is, God is great, merciful, and our Heavenly Father, not a Heavenly Mother. The God Almighty was also first. He was present before anything else existed and He is the creator of all existing things today. This is of primary importance. Make sure you know it!




事實是,上帝是父親,而不是母親,即使是神兒子,主耶穌自己也說過。耶穌在十字架上喊道:「阿爸,父啊」(馬可福音十四36)。保羅重申上帝是我們的阿爸,我們的父親(羅馬書八15;加拉太書四6。然後在哥林多後書六18,父神說:「我要做你們的父,你們要作我的兒女,這是全能的主說的。」 事實是,上帝是偉大的,仁慈的,我們的天父,而不是天上的母親。全能的上帝也是首先的。在任何其他事物出現之前,他就已經存在。祂是今天所有現存事物的創造者。這是最重要的。請確保你知道這重要真理!

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