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5/24/2020 神必賜福 <哈該書 2:15-19> (God Will Bless Us <Haggai 2: 15-19>)


by 鍾卓權牧師 (Rev. Bernie Chung)


今天,許多不肯順服神的信徒也常常在自己的「各樣工作上」(17節),遭受到挫折,也就是神所說的「旱風、霉爛、冰雹」等的攻擊,就如同當年以色列百姓一樣地「仍 不 歸 向」神。如果我們單顧自己的事,沒有或者不肯順從聖靈的心意行事,上帝也許會任憑我們隨行己意,自作主張,其後果會白白受苦,好像新約《路加福音》第15 章中的浪子回頭的比喻,浪子在走頭無之路之後,恍然醒悟。我們也當醒悟回轉「歸向」耶和華神。

耶和華繼續問,要他們追想當初他們已經立志把聖殿重建的工程放在首位,那時「倉裡有穀種嗎」?(19 節),原文是「倉裡 還 有 穀種嗎」?其實倉裡穀種的確全無!因為收成季節已過,農作物的出產 連一半都没有,百姓唯一的希望就是把倉裡僅有的穀種全都撒到田裡去,寄望在來年的收成。 萬軍之耶和華沒有等以色列子民回答,祂便宣告說:「從今日起、我


我們現在居家抗疫,遵行社交安全距離的規定,這些規定可能再過幾週就會開始放鬆,在過去這段日子,我們有機會自我省察和修正屬靈生活中的優先次序。我十分珍惜這段時間,使我有更多學習的機會並且增添事奉的經歷,我也察覺到不少弟兄姊妹在靈命中有很大的長進。在互聯網中,我們能找到從香港和台灣諸多神學院所舉辦的外展課程,在北美的神學院和傳道機構中也有類似以英語和華語的網上聖經講座,林林總總目不暇給,提供了諸多機會。感謝神我們教會中也有幾位弟兄姊妹參加了不同層面的進修課程來裝備自己,為將來在 神國度中事奉作準備。在電話和弟兄姊妹交談問候中,知道他們忙於安排時間和如何選課,因為實在有太多的課程,卻沒有足夠時間。倘若我們因想參加更多的講座而生活失去了平衡,就有可能變成一個負擔,因而減少了個人靈修和讀經的時間,學習的動機可能是為了增加聖經知識。請勿誤會, 我不是說聖經知識對我們沒有幫助,哥林多前書 8:1 節說:「…但知識是叫人自高自大、惟有愛心能造就人」。約翰福音 5:39-40 節又說:「你們查考聖經.因你們以為內中有永生.給我


倘若次序顛倒,本位或焦點不正確,賜生命的主又能如何賜福給我們呢?但願上帝賜智慧,讓我們曉得善用時間,謙卑到主那裏來得生命,蒙造就。 願 神賜福與我們。阿們!


Haggai 2:17 says: “‘I struck all the work of your hands with blight, mildew and hail, yet you did not return to me,’ declares the Lord.”

"When not a single stone has been erected on top of another" refers to the time when the Israelite's project of rebuilding the temple had not yet started; and also when crops were lost. Sadly, the spiritual eyes of the Jews were dazed, and they did not know the cause of the loss. They failed to realize the attacks of "blight, mildew, and hail" were all from God, and they did not "turn to" Jehovah God in time of suffering.

Today, many believers who refuse to obey God often suffer setbacks in "all the work of their hands" (v. 17). These setbacks are similar to the attacks God declared and the Israelites suffered from. God lets us exercise our own free will to do what we want and we often suffer the consequences for making wrong choices. We need to have a moment of awakening as described in Chapter 15, Gospel of Luke in the New Testament. The prodigal son suddenly came to his senses when there was no way out. He made the right choice and went back to his father. We should also wake up and turn back "towards" Jehovah God.

In Haggai 2:19, Jehovah continues to ask: "Give careful thought: Is there yet any seed left in the barn?" The barn was indeed empty. The Lord of Hosts proclaimed, "From this day on, I will bless you". There will be a good harvest in the coming year. Jehovah God lets his people experience difficulties, and brings them back to a more abundant life full of God's grace.

We are following government regulations of staying home to fight against the pandemic. These regulations may begin to relax in a few weeks. Have we taken advantage of the "time off" we had to self-examine and rearrange our spiritual life priorities? I really treasure the time that enabled me to study, learn, and gain experience in God's ministry. Through phone conversations, I am delighted that many brothers and sisters have decided to enrich their spiritual life and biblical knowledge by attending seminary courses offered on the Internet. These courses are at different levels, and some are quite advanced. The attendees will have the opportunity to better equip and prepare themselves to serve in God's ministry and His Kingdom in the near future. Many brothers and sisters are arranging their schedules to sign up for some of these classes. I wish them smooth sailing and hope they can let us know how they are doing. Do share with us tips on personal devotion and Bible reading! Like these brothers and sisters, may God build us up, teach us how to use our time wisely for His sake, and humble ourselves in His presence. May God bless us all. Amen!

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