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5/21/2023 信心和順服之旅 ~鍾卓權牧師


信心能趨使我們獻身於上帝和祂對我們生命的計劃,是重生之後正常的回應。 主耶穌在升天之前,馬太福音 28:16-20 中記載衪告訴門徒要將福音傳給萬民。 然而,信徒中有不少的人並沒有為完成這個大使命而努力,至少不是熱烈地或者踴躍地去執行這個命令。 是什麼原因阻礙了我們 呢?恐懼很可能是原因之一。 例如,如果傳福音意味著離鄉背井,很可能會擔心新環境與治安的問題,文化上的差異,家人和朋友的反對。 我們也會考慮新環境中所接觸的人會如何回應我們所傳福音的信息。

另一個障礙可能是在服從上的認知,我們會回應上帝的呼召,但我們自己也會去修改或者填補一些自己想要進行的事項。 我們可能會考慮到費用和時間的多寡,可能傳福音的地點並非是自己的首選,最終無法達成我們在大使命中的角色。

當我們開始懷疑上帝的安排是否真的是最佳的安排時,信心就無法克服自我的恐懼感。 如果我們允許焦慮在我們的腦海中徘徊,我們就會拒絕按照主所賜的異象的去實踐。 結果就無法履行信心和順服的第一步,因此傳講福音宣教事工就蒙上一層陰影,因而教會事工進展受到攔阻,教會成長受到牽制。 當我們願意挪除這些障礙時,我們會驚訝地經歷上帝藉著我們所完成各樣的事工。




彌迦書 6:8


Journey of Faith and Obedience ~Pastor Bernie Chung

Letting faith to commit ourselves to God and His plan for our lives is the normal response of being born again. Before ascending to heaven, Jesus tells His disciples in Matthew 28:16-20 to evangelize to all nations. Sadly, we see very few have responded to the call of Great Commission with the needed enthusiasm to accomplish it. What is holding us back? Fear could be one of the culprits. Often evangelism requires going to a foreign country with environmental and safety concerns, as well as requiring language, cultural, and climate adaptations. We may also wonder how would the locals respond to the Gospel? Our family and friends may also object to our decision to go to a foreign land.

Another hurdle could be our adherence to criteria we’ve set for ourselves. We may be preoccupied by the cost, duration and the location of the travel. When we respond to God’s call, we often interject our own preference and desire on how things should be done. Ultimately this will lead to failure in our role to fulfill the Great Commission.

“So-called” faith cannot overcome fear when we begin to doubt whether God's ways are really the best. If we allow anxiety to linger in our minds, we will be unable to follow through on the vision the Lord has given us. As a result, we will miss taking the first step of faith and obedience. When we encounter obstacles in missionary work without following God’s way, the spreading of Gospel and the progress of local church ministries will both suffer. On the hand if we can tear down these self-made barriers, we will experience amazing things God can do through us.

When we abide by God's words and start the journey of trust and obey, our faith and obedience will continue to grow repeatedly. Brothers and sisters, no matter what the situation is, never let fear and timidity to take away God's plan for our lives, and the eternal and indestructible crown awaiting us in heaven. God sometimes brings new challenges in missionary work to strengthen our trust and obedience to him. Let’s ask God what is holding us back, then ask for His forgiveness. We must use the gifts God has given us to overcome difficulties in order to serve Him. As Abram’s starts his travel from Ur and reaches the promised land of Canaan, may we also have faith and obedience as our companions in our journey to please and glorify God. May God bless every brother and sister in San Francisco Chinese Baptist Church as my and C-mo’s service in our beloved church comes to an end. May God continue to lead our life journey to be full of faith and obedience. Amen!

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

- Micah 6:8 (NIV)

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