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3/5/2023 奪取了神之物 ~林欣愛執事



今天的信徒可能會反駁,我們當然有十分之一的奉獻,怎麼會是奪取呢?而我亦相信很多信徒有不止十分之一的奉獻。但是神的家是不是單指我們在金錢上的奉獻呢?現今除了金錢上的十分之一外,神更要求我們「將身體獻上,當作活祭」,我們有否也將我們的時間作為活祭獻上呢?當我們奉獻這些時間給主的時候,我們是否盡心盡意地在我們所站的崗位上兌現了這個𠄘諾?還是我們祗帶著疲憊的身軀和心靈去事奉我們的主?所獻上的祇是殘餘和剩下的?馬馬虎虎地交貨?弟兄姊妹,我們是否將最好的獻上?像窮寡婦的奉献, 主知道我們何時把最好的献上。我們在世上的工作態度與我們對屬靈事奉上的態度是否一致?還是略有偏差呢?我們為家中的各種事務而操心,但是我們有否對屬靈家中的事務操心和著緊?有些人對屬世工作的態度十分認真,隨傳隨到,不敢有絲毫怠慢,唯恐不能達到公司的期望。難道神和神的家今天對我們的事奉便沒有期望嗎?還是我們抱着做義工和做點善行的心態,祇是隨意而不是隨主的心意而行?




Stealing from God ~Deaconess Loretta Lam

If someone accuses us of taking from God, many (as the Israelites did in Malachi) will ask: "What have we taken from God?". (Malachi 3:7–9, ESV). The LORD provides the answer, "In your tithes and in your offerings." This is a very serious allegation to ponder!

Many believers today may object: “We still have tithes, so how could we be robbing God?” The question becomes even more valid for those believers who contribute beyond one-tenth of their earnings. The answer to that important question is simple; as Christians, the nature of our sacrifice has changed. Our debt to the house of God is not limited to a contractual obligation in terms of financial offerings. Rather, in addition to tithes in money, God also requires us to "offer our bodies as living sacrifices" (Romans 12:1). Therefore, it is important to ask if living up to those obligations. When we dedicate these hours of service to the Lord, are we fulfilling this promise with all our heart and soul in which we are call upon? Will service to the Lord with weary bodies and minds suffice? Will your remnant and leftover efforts be sufficient contributions? Will service done in a perfunctory or loveless manner be adequate when laid upon God’s alter? Brothers and sisters, as with the lesson of widow’s gift, God knows when we are giving our best. Surely our attitude towards labor done in the name of spiritual service is owed the same standard we apply to the quotidian tasks of work and business? What is the difference? We worry about various affairs at home, but do we worry and express concern about the affairs of our spiritual home? Some people are very serious about their secular work. They dare not neglect it in the slightest. Isn’t God and God’s family worthy of a similar level service?

In thinking about this sharing, God has rebuked me. God invests in each of us an overflowing and sacrificial love. If we are unwilling to serve a loving God with all our heart, if we only busy ourselves with worldly affairs, if we plan and work for ourselves in this brief life while neglecting or shortchanging our obligations to the Lord - then we are stealing from God. The theft may be invisible to others, but it is not to God or ourselves. We were made in his image and we are meant to be His. God has given us a variety of talents, gifts, blessings and opportunities to serve. Let us give all that is due. Let us pay what he deserves. This pleases the LORD.

"Be true, Be true..." The lyrics keeps echoing in my mind.

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