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11/6/2022 那些故事都是真實的 ~鍾立恆牧師


像很多人一樣,我喜歡聽一些有趣的真實故事。我有一段時間十分喜歡閱讀一些現實生活中發生的故事。其中有許多故事都與客戶服務有關。其中一個是關於一個客戶因為他認為他的自動杯架壞了而打的查詢電話。那自動杯架壞其實是電腦的一部分。如果您的年齡較大,也許還記得個人電腦的CD-ROM 驅動器有一個可以伸出的托盤,然後您將CD光盤放在托盤上,關閉托盤,CD-ROM驅動器才可讀取光盤上的信息。然而,並不是每個人都明白這一點。有些人打電話尋求電腦公司客戶服務幫助是因為他們把飲料放在托盤上面太多次,把光盤托盤弄壞了。當初我聽到故事時,我只能幻想故事的真假。直到有一天,我和一位在微軟打工的朋友交談時,我問他有沒有遇過類似的情況。你想想他的回應是什麼?他說當然有遇過!他已經多次聽到這類型電話,我真的不敢相信這些故事都是事實的。

當談及聖經中的故事時,我們很容易會認為這些並不是一些寓言和神話故事,而確是耶穌的真實記錄。祂的教導,祂的醫治,祂所說的預言,並且祂毫不含糊地說祂就是神。在路加福音記載的早期,耶穌與祂的門徒在加利利海中,祂在船上睡著,船卻遇到風暴動蕩中。門徒們各人正在擔心他們會否遇害時,耶穌卻在熟睡。最後他們忍不住終於叫醒了耶穌,說:「主啊!主啊!我們沒命了!」(路加福音 8:24 新譯本)。耶穌起來斥責風浪,暴風雨就平靜下來。然後耶穌對門徒說:「你們的信心在哪裡?」 (路加福音 8:25 上) 耶穌從此事件去挑戰他們對祂的信心,因為祂知道門徒們既害怕又驚奇,彼此互問:「這到底是誰?他吩咐風浪,連風浪也聽從他。」(路加福音 8:25下)。為什麼要注意這一點?因為門徒們已看慣了耶穌施行醫治,甚至將死去的女孩復活的神蹟。但是他們沒想到就連大自然,一場風暴,也會服從祂的命令?這對門徒們來說實在太莫名其妙和新鮮了。(甚至對於今天的我們來說,也是一樣。)但對於耶穌來說,這只是祂向門徒們啟示祂是誰的計畫中的再一步。但當時們徒們還未能立刻明白。

請大家記住這一點:聖經中的比喻、神蹟,以及最後耶穌從死裹復活的記載並不是虛構的故事。這些故事和記載都是真實和歷史事實。我們可以確信聖經所說的都是真的。耶穌是個真實的歷史人物,祂也是神,能做到不可能的事。要加強你們對耶穌的信心並明白聖經中關於祂的每一個記錄都是真實的。耶穌成就了先知在舊約的預言。耶穌也應許聖靈在祂升天後與我們同在(約翰福音 14:26)。所以,放心吧,去信靠主耶穌,當我們遇到困難或考驗時,靠著聖靈禱告,因為沒有世上沒有什麼事情對上帝來說是辦不到的,甚至平靜風浪呢。凡事信靠主耶穌,祂能看透你,放心在聖靈裹祈求您們所有的所求和所需。祂會顧念你的。祂一定會!阿們!

Original Text:

The Stories are True ~Pastor Benjamin Chung

Like anyone I like a good story that’s true. I used to read stories of real-life events that people had to deal with, before there were videos and memes. Many stories had to do with customer service. One was of a call into tech support over an automatic cup holder that had stopped working. This was part of the computer. If you are old enough to recall, cd-rom drives had a tray that would extend out and you would put your disc onto the tray, close the tray, and the cd-rom drive would read the information on the disc. However, not everyone knew this. And some people called in for help because they had broken the cd-rom tray by putting their drinks on it one too many times. I could only imagine that this story was true until one day, while talking to a friend who was a programmer at Microsoft, I recalled this story and asked if he had ever encountered this scenario. And his response? Totally true! He has heard this call many times and couldn’t believe this was really possible.

When it comes to the Bible, it can be easy to forget that these are not just fables and myths, but real accounts of Jesus. He taught, He healed, He prophesied, and He stated in no unclear terms that He is God. Early in the Lukan account of Jesus is with His disciples on the Sea of Galilee and He is asleep during a tumultuous storm. The disciples are fearing they will die, while Jesus sleeps soundly during the ordeal. They finally wake Jesus and say, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” (Luke 8.24b ESV). Jesus rebukes the wind and the waves and the storm dissipates. Then Jesus says, “Where is your faith?” (V.25) and thus challenges their faith in Him. He says this because they are both fearful and marveling and saying to each other, “Who then is this, that he commands even winds and water, and they obey him?” (v.25). Why is this something to note? Because the disciples were accustomed to seeing Jesus perform miracles of healing and even resurrecting a dead girl. But to have nature—a storm—respond to His instruction? This was baffling and new to them. (And even for some today.) For Jesus, this was His next step in revealing who He was to His disciples and they were not ready for it.

Remember this: the parables, the miraculous accounts, and eventually Jesus’s resurrection from the dead are not make-believe. They are true and real. And we can trust in what the Scripture says is true. Jesus is the real deal. He is God and able to do the impossible. Strengthen your faith in Jesus and know that every single record of Him in Scripture is true. You can take it to the bank. He is the fulfillment of prophesy. And Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to remain with us, after His departure from earth (John 14.26). So, rest easy, trust in the Lord, pray in the Holy Spirit when they are trials because nothing is too big for God, not even a storm. Trust in Jesus in everything, He will see you through. Pray in the Holy Spirit regarding all your needs and wants. He will take care of you. He will! Amen!

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