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11/27/2022 努力進窄門 ~鍾卓權牧師


很多人會在不知不覺中追隨時尚,加以沒有仔細分析,輕而易舉地受到別人的影響, 因而隨波逐流,失去自我判斷能力。目前不少現代媒體致力於製造假新聞,誤導大眾,其目的是謀求商業及政治利益,引導民眾偏袒某一方的立場,多人在不自覺中受到此類媒體的影響。不言而喻,社會風氣及輿論或多或少均受其害。


耶穌勉勵祂的追隨者,說人多所走的道路不一定是正確的道路,不要盲從,而是要確認目標,之後,可以義無反悔地勇往直前。馬太福音 7:13-14節說:「你們要進窄門。因為引到滅亡,那門是寬的,路是大的,進去的人也多;引到永生,那門是窄的,路是小的,找著的人也少。」自我為中心的人其行事為人不願意受他人的勸戒,濫用自由,喜歡寬闊的門,寬大的路,不想受任何約束。羅馬書 1:32 節說:「他們不但自己去行,還喜歡別人去行」,換一句話說,他們還希望他人一起誤入歧途,這樣就可以遮蓋自己的劣行,但結果仍然是走向滅亡。

我們應該朝著天國標竿直跑,馬太福音 11:12 節說:「...天國是努力進入的,努力的人就得著了。」弟兄姊妹、朋友們,求神賜智慧,讓我們努力一同進入窄門。阿們!


Strive To Enter the Narrow Gate ~Pastor Bernie Chung

Many people unknowingly admire popular culture and trendy things. They often fail to carefully analyze firsthand their reasoning, but just accept what others accept. Many modern media organizations take advantage of this tendency to create controversies and discord among the public, and to sway opinions to benefit their agendas. Their goals may involve commercial gains, political persuasions, and a certain degree of brainwashing. We notice that very few people are immune to the influence of these media outlets. To put it bluntly, the current social thinking and public opinion are mostly manipulated by the media.

In the era of Jesus Christ, the entire Palestine area became a vassal of the Roman Empire, and folk customs and traditions were misused by Jewish leaders to appease the Romans. The ruling method of the Roman Empire was "to rule the Jews with the Jews". The Romans would appoint the wealthy and nobles among the Jews high positions to oppress their own people. This tactic helped to consolidate the Roman regime’s legitimacy to govern. At that time, the Jewish society had a tendency to integrate into the Roman system and culture. They accepted Roman architectural design, commercial and trade practices, as well as Roman laws etc.

Jesus teaches his disciples that the path followed by many people may not necessarily be the right one. They should not follow blindly but move forward boldly without regrets toward their clearly defined goals. 1 Chronicles 29:15 says, “We are foreigners and strangers in your sight, as we’re all our ancestors. Our days on earth are like a shadow, without hope” (NIV). 1 Peter 2:11 also states how “you are strangers and sojourners”. Indeed, human beings’ time on earth is temporal. We must actively seek and know our Creator and accept the truth of the Gospel and salvation by grace. Matthew 7:13-14 says, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” People who are self-centered dislike constraints. They often abuse their freedom and choose the wide gate and broad road, the easy way out. Romans 1:32 says: “Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.” In other words, they hide their corruption by condoning others to sin. They will inevitably perish as a result. We should be mindful to run straight towards the kingdom of Heaven no matter how narrow the path.

Brothers, sisters, and friends, hear this! Let’s ask God for wisdom as we strive to enter the Kingdom of Heaven through the narrow gate. Amen!

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