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11/13/2022 待人接物的原則 ~鍾卓權牧師


馬太福音 7:11 節說:「你們雖然不好,尚且知道拿好東西給兒女,何況你們在天上的父,豈不更把好東西給求祂的人嗎?」。弟兄姊妹妹們,由此可知只要天國子民奉主的名向天父求,天父一定會回應,但我們需要明白,天父不一定是依照我們所求的給我們,而是按照天父祂認為對我們有益的才給我們。許多時候我們會求錯東西,甚或妄求,但是父神給我們的都是「上好」的東西。

隨著,主耶穌在馬太福音 7:12 節說:「所以,無論何事,你們願意人怎樣待你們,你們也要怎樣待人,因為這就是律法和先知的道理。」,這也是天國子民待人接物的原則,是「登山寶訓」天國倫理觀的總結。天國子民對待人不是先根據別人如何對待自己,甚至是以其人之道,還治其人之身。反之,天國子民是根據我們願意別人如何待我們,而先願意依此原則去對待他人。通常,一般人盡其量最多僅能做到「己所不欲、勿施於人」。換句話說,主耶穌教導天國的子民不是被動地約束自己,而是要先主動地去為別人的益處著想,好好地接待對方,在日常生活中積極地活出「愛人如己」的真諦,彰顯出榮神益人的處世原則。

有一則寓言說到一個孩童在樹林中玩耍,無意中自言自語地喊了一聲:「喂!」,隨後聽到有回聲也說了一聲:「喂!」。孩童連忙問道:「你是誰?」,之後, 又聽到同樣的回答聲:「你是誰?」。他想這可能是另外一個孩童在作弄他,就不服氣地說:「你爲什麽不出來?」,回答的聲音竟然也是完全一樣。如是來來回回數次之後,他覺得沒有興趣持續這樣的對話,就生著氣跑回家告訴母親,有人在林中戲弄他。他母親知道這是孩子的回音,就對孩子說:「你回去對那個小孩子說:「我愛你。」,小孩子就跑回林中大聲喊到:「我愛你。」,所聽到的回應也是「我愛你。」, 孩子十分開心。這個寓言,正是馬太福音 7.12 節主耶穌教導的例證, 善待他人是會令自己快樂。

有時我們對主的教導似懂非懂不能完全領會, 在約翰福音書中多次提到賜給我們一位保惠師,主耶穌為了我們的益處要求天父賜給我們一位保惠師,永遠與我們同在。保惠師是真理的聖靈,要為主耶穌作見證,要引導我們明白一切的真理,並要把將來的事告訴我們。(參閱:約翰福音 16:7, 14:16, 16:13)。我們要在靈裡仰望主,求聖靈來引導我們明白一切的真理,懂得如何待人處世。弟兄姊妹妹們,讓我們祈求聖靈幫助我們更明白天國子民待人接物的原則,在作主的門徒與處世待人態度上作美好的見證。阿們!


The Principle of Dealing With People ~Pastor Bernie Chung

Matthew 7:11 (NIV) says, "If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” Brothers and sisters, this passage tells us as long as we are the children destined for the Kingdom of Heaven and ask the Father in the name of the Lord, the Father will surely respond to our request. There is one thing we need to understand though. The Father does not necessarily give us what we asked for. It is given to us according to what the Father thinks is good for us. Many times we go overboard and ask for the wrong things. We may not realize that God has already given us the “very best”.

Following this, the Lord Jesus says in Matthew 7:12, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” This is the principle of dealing with people and things for the children of Kingdom of Heaven. It also summarizes the heavenly ethics of the Sermon on the Mount. God’s people do not treat others according to how they are treated in reciprocating fashion. Instead, they would treat others the same way that they want to be treated at the first place. Usually it is not hard for people to wish things they consider as misfortune they want avoid not to happen to others. Passively refrain ourselves from harming others is not enough. We must actively consider the best interest of others. Live out this principle: “Love your neighbors as yourself.” (Ref: Lav. 19:18). It is the best way to honor God and benefit the people of the world.

I heard this story about a young child playing in an unfamiliar place in the woods. Out of boredom he yelled: "Hello!", and then he heard the echo saying "Hello!" The young child asked quickly, "Who are you?", and heard the response: "Who are you?" He thought that another child might be playing tricks on him, and said in disbelief, "Why didn't you come out?" The same question came back. After going back and forth several times, the young boy lost interest in playing the game, so he ran home. Angrily he told his mother that someone was teasing him in the woods. His mother knew what to do, so she said to the child, "Go back and say to the hidden child, "I love you."” The boy followed his mother’s instructions and ran back to the woods and shouted, "I love you." The echo came back saying "I love you” also. This story illustrates the validity of Matthew 7:12. Like echoes, the good things we do for others will come back to us.

Often times we do not fully understand the teachings of the Lord Jesus.For our benefit, Lord Jesus asked the Father to give us a Comforter who will be with us forever. The Comforter is the Holy Spirit of truth testifying for our Lord Jesus. The Comforter will guide and lead us into all truth, and tell us what is to come. (cf. John 16:7, 14:16, 16:13). We shall worship our Lord in spirit and truth, and seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in how to deal with others. Brothers and sisters, let us pray that the Holy Spirit will help us follow the principles of how the people of the Kingdom of Heaven treat others and things. May we bear good witness with the right attitude to glorify God to benefit men. Amen!

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