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10/23/2022 以謙卑和愛來事奉 ~鍾立恆牧師


這星期是個令我滿有反思的一週。我有位叫 Ted Goslen 的牧師同儕剛剛去世。我是在新冠肺炎大流行之初認識他的,過去我們每週一次牧師群組的網上視像會議期間,我和他跟其他牧師們一起傾談並互相鼓勵,每個人分享彼此的掙扎並找出解決牧會問題的方案。基於這位牧師的閱歷和經驗,他有很多智慧和建議分享。可惜他與癌症抗爭了九個月之後,如今他不能再和我們在一起了。留下了遺孀和兩名兒子。多年來受他影響的人都會非常的懷念他。

他有一事跡是每個人都會講述的,就是他在傳福音方面是毫無畏懼的。網上我找到了一篇他寫的文章,是講述了他當年如何與夏威夷 Waimea 第一浸信會裡的眾家庭協力向他們的社區傳福音。(這裡是文章的連結:他一生熱心為耶穌基督而活,竭力傳揚福音,是一個生命的見證。事實上,我們也該如此服事圍繞在我們身邊的社區。

Ted 牧師不僅做傳福音的工作,他更是許多信徒的「大哥哥」。網上有很多篇關於他如何在庇護他人之時成為了别人的屬靈導師和榜樣的帖子。它們見證了Ted 牧師對上帝的愛與及對上帝的敬畏。這裡清楚地提醒我們,當我們服事人和愛其他人之時,其實我們也是透過順服基督的命令來愛主。其中最清楚的一次是加拉太書 5:13:「弟兄們,你們蒙召是要得自由,只是不可將你們的自由當作放縱情慾的機會,總要用愛心互相服事。」讀者們,請花點時間反省一下自己的生活。謙卑地來到主面前禱告,求問上主你應該以謙卑和愛心去服侍那一位?如此行,你不是為己而作,乃是為着耶穌!

我會想念你的,Ted 。待會在天堂再相見!

Original Text in English

Serve, Humbly, with Love ~Pastor Benjamin Chung

It’s been a week of reflection for me. A fellow pastor by the name of Ted Goslen just passed away. I have known him since the beginning of the pandemic, as we met with other pastors on Zoom during our weekly pastor’s call to encourage one another and share about the struggles and solutions we each found to minister to our churches well. This pastor had much wisdom and advice to pass around because of his experience. Sadly, he is no longer with us, after a nine-month battle with cancer. He leaves behind a wife and two boys. He will be greatly missed by many people he influenced over the years.

One thing that everyone could say is, he was fearless in ministering the gospel. I even found an article he wrote of how he, along with his church family of First Baptist Church of Waimea, Hawaii, evangelized to their community. (Here’s the article: His life is a testimony of someone who is sold out to living for Jesus Christ and proclaiming the gospel message. In fact, this is how we should be ministering to the community around us.

Not only did Pastor Ted evangelize, he was also a “big brother” to many believers. There are many posts online of how he was a mentor and example to the people he would take under his wings. They all testify to his love of God and his fear of God. This is a clear reminder that as we are serving and loving others, we are also loving Christ by being obedient to His instructions. One of the most clearest ones this is: “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love” (Galatians 5:13, NIV). Reader, take some time to reflect on your own life. Humbly come before the Lord in prayer and ask the Lord who you can serve with humility and in love. You aren’t doing this for yourself, but for Jesus!

PS. I will miss you, Ted. See you in heaven one day soon!

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