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1/15/2023 在基督𥚃肢體合 ~鍾立恆牧師



這段經文充斥著無數我們作為信徒必須知道的真理。這些真理不僅對教會有益,甚至對個人在各個生活領域都有益處。在第 1-3 節中,保羅敦促我們行事為人要與蒙召的恩相稱。這不僅僅是關乎個人對生命的意義。而是所有基督徒的召命:要效法基督。使徒保羅教導我們如何能做到”用和平彼此聯絡,竭力保守聖靈所賜合而為一的心。”就是必須竭力持守。此外,我們還要用愛心並以謙卑、溫柔、忍耐和彼此包容來實踐。所有品質都必須兼備以付諸實行。

倘若弟兄或姊妹有過失。由於我們可能對事因還沒有清楚了解,所以我們仍然要以謙虛的態度來看待對方,我們應以溫柔的態度和模式來處理這類情況,因為“回答柔和,使怒消退;言語暴戾,觸動怒氣。”(箴言 15:1 )接下來我們便應耐心等候,因為犯錯的一方仍然可能因為內心感到受傷害、沮喪和憤怒而需要花較長時間才能反應過來。之後,第 2 節說除了忍耐之外,還要用愛心互相寬容。英文譯本中「互相擔帶」一詞在希臘文的意思是指彼此包容。這絕對不是一件容易做到的事,由其是當犯錯的人不願意承認他/她的過失時。

因此,保羅在第 4-6 節便加以解釋我們作為信徒肢體所具有的合一。就是一個身體,一個聖靈,一個指望,一主,一信,一洗,一神。更加重要的,這位神是就是眾人的父,超乎眾人之上,貫乎眾人之中,也住在眾人之內。(讓我們想一想)。保羅所強調的是通過肢體的合一便是在靈𥚃合一的意象。讓我們繼續與弟兄姊妹以愛心彼此寛容。


Original Text:

Unity in the Body of Christ ~Pastor Benjamin Chung

Ephesians 4:1-7 (ESV) I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, 3eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. 7 But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift.

This text is packed with numerous truths we as believers must know. They are beneficial to not only the church but even the individual in all arenas of life. In vv.1-3, we are urged to walk properly, according to the calling we’ve been called with. This is not simply addressing your individual purpose in life, but the greater calling all Christians have: to imitate Christ. The Apostle Paul is teaching us of how the goal is “unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace,” which is to be done eagerly. Furthermore, this is completed when we apply humility, gentleness, patience and bearingwith one another—in love. All of these must be applied.

If a brother or sister appears to be in the wrong, we still come to that individual with humility, because we may not have a clear understanding of the situation. The attitude and mode we should address the situation should be with gentleness, as “a gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1 NIV). Then we are to be patient, as the individual, if wrong, can take time to respond to the situation because of hurt, frustration and anger in their hearts. Lastly, v.2 says that on top of being patient, to bear with one another, in love. The word bearin Greek means to tolerate. This is not an easy task if the transgressor does not even accept that he/she is wrong.

So Paul explains more in vv.4-6, of the oneness we have as a body of believers. There is one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God. If that wasn’t enough, this one God is the Father and He has complete authority over, through and in all things. (Let that sink in.) The point Paul is driving home is the unity through being one in the body is the image of being one in the Spirit. Continue to bear with the brother or sister in love.

Then, if we still have trouble with that argument point, Paul wraps up his point by saying that grace is given to each one of us with the spiritual giftings that we have which are specific and unique to each individual. This means that there are distinct differences that we will all have from one another, while being part of the body. And even if we are frustrated with someone else, God has bestowed His grace upon each individual member of the body and we are to be aware of this fact. Thus, let us love one another, recalling how the grace God gives everyone, is bestowed upon ourselves as well. Let us therefore love, as Christ did for you.

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