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1/1/2023 普天同慶 ~鍾立恆牧師


我知道, 我知道。上周是聖誕節。但這並不意味著耶穌不再是我們的喜樂。他是我們全年的快樂!我對這個新的一年充滿希望,它是愉快而明亮的。英文部 (TAC) 重啟事工領導層正在計劃一些偉大的方式讓我們成為明光並在我們的社區分享福音。我們鼓勵大家參與。

事實上,您可以通過以下方式提供幫助。這是為了整個教會。微笑!就像你即將要拍照一樣。真的,當您閱讀本文時,請像拍照一樣微笑。好的,現在稍微放鬆一下你的臉。好的。當我們在教堂時,讓我們有那張微笑的臉。讓我們的思想和內心保持這種態度和鎮定。尼希米對他的人民說:「……你們去吃肥美的,喝甘甜的,有不能預備的就分給他,因為今日是我們主的聖日。你們不要憂愁,因靠耶和華而得的喜樂是你們的力量!」(尼希米記 8:10)。這是事實,當時以色列人甚至不認識耶穌。但我們認識耶穌。因此,讓我們擁有我們的笑面,讓我們擁有我們的見證言語,讓我們的心充滿耶穌的喜樂。

我有時聽人說,把你的煩惱留在門口。我不同意。因為當我們走進信徒聚會的教堂時,我們正在進入一個充滿被聖靈引導的信徒的區域。這是我們可以讓聖靈減輕我們的煩惱和憂慮的地方 。否則,如果我們把煩惱留在門口,不把它們交給主來處理,我們就會在離開時把煩惱撿回來。

這意味著,帶著祈禱和代禱的心態來到教堂。準備好這樣做。我們不只是為自己做這件事。我們也為其他人這樣做。讓我們互相問候,無論是信徒還是未信徒,有什麼值得祈禱和歡喜的。然後,讓我們祈禱和歡喜。讓我們去做,不是因為我們「應該」,而是因為我們做到了並且想要做到。當我們一起邁入新的一年時,請接受這份祝福:「但願使人有盼望的神,因信將諸般的喜樂、平安充滿你們的心,使你們藉著聖靈的能力大有盼望。」 (羅馬書 15:13)。今年要被喜樂和聖靈充滿!

Original Text:

Joy To The World ~Pastor Benjamin Chung

I know. I know. Christmas was last week. But that doesn’t mean that Jesus is no longer our joy. He’s our joy all year round! I do have hope for this new year and it is cheery and bright. The TAC leadership is planning some great ways for us to be the light and share the gospel in our community. We encourage everyone to participate.

In fact, here’s how you can help. And this is for the entire Church. Smile! Like you’re about to take a picture. Really, smile like you are taking a picture as you read this. Ok, now relax your face just a little. Good. Let’s have that face when we are at church. Let’s have that attitude and composure in our minds and in our hearts. Nehemiah told the people to do as much when he said to his people, “… Go and celebrate with a feast of rich foods and sweet drinks, and share gifts of food with people who have nothing prepared. This is a sacred day before our Lord. Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the Lord is your strength!” (Nehemiah 6:10 NLT). This is the truth, and the people of Israel didn’t even know Jesus at the time. But we do. So lets have our faces, lets have our words, let our heart be filled with the joy of Jesus.

I have heard people say at times, leave your troubles at the door. I disagree. For as we walk into the church, which is the congregation of believers, we are entering into an area that is filled with believers who are being led by the Holy Spirit. This is where we can have our troubles and concerns eased by the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, if we leave our troubles at the door and don’t give them to the LORD to handle, we’re going to pick our troubles right back up as we leave.

This means, come to church with the mindset of prayer and intercession. Come prepared to do this. And we don’t just do this for ourselves. We do this for others as well. Lets ask each other, believer or yet to be, what there is to pray and rejoice over. And then, let us pray and rejoice. Lets do, not because were “supposed to” but because we get to and want to. Please receive this blessing as we move together into the new year: “ I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13). Be filled with joy and the Holy Spirit this year!

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